Friday, October 26, 2012

CLOUD ATLAS: Book to Film


Cloud Atlas Trailer

Cloud Atlas a best selling novel since 2004 has been produced into a movie by the Wachowski brothers. The Wachowski brothers also produced The Matrix. The plot which may not be clear to people who has not read the book itself, and the trailer does no justice in explaining the story. However, as a fan of the book, I find the trailer to be suiting. Cloud Atlas is an intricate plot of six stories weaved together spanning from different eras of time. Each character is somehow connected through different forms of writing. For example, the first character narrates through a journal who is read by the second character.

The cast consists of well known actors/actresses. Many familiar faces consist of Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Jim Sturgess, Hugh Grant, and other players who play multiple roles for each era. For instance, Halle Berry is a journalist, Luisa Rey, during the modern era who is later a native in a post-apocalyptic time period. How the film will combine the stories together is beyond me. I am expecting a lot of changes to be made to make the film flow and expecting new ideas from the producers.

As a big fan of the book, I am highly anticipating this film. I may be biased in how I might judge the film, but the film has a lot to live for. I am pleased with the cast choice for the characters, especially for a character named Somni-451. I could only hope they do not stray too far from the actual story line and possibly clean up some confusing plot points in the book. As the trailer seems promising, one can only hope the Wachowski brothers deliver an exciting movie like The Matrix.

Check out the cast!: Who is in "Cloud Atlas"?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Movie 43


A movie that brings a slew of A-list actors and actresses coming together to make a movie of what could only be a ... mess? The trailer doesn't present much except introduce a reel of crazy lines and surprising cameos. The plot is left to be desired as there seems to be a lack of one. I could only break it down to an array of story lines that "might" eventually come together. Seeing that the film is in a comedic genre, I can't tell if this movie is a parody or a new breed of comedy.

The choice of title doesn't explain much, but it does pique my curiosity. Surprisingly to know that Elizabeth Banks, star of Hunger Games as Effie Trinket, is also one of the ten directors of the film. It is left to wonder if she was one of the "brilliant" minds that thought of putting this movie together.

A few interesting points in the trailer is the use of Gerard Butler (300) as a small leprechaun. Kate Winslet (Titanic) and Halle Berry (Monster's Ball) also makes an appearance, but her role is not explained. It's enough to make me somewhat interested. The film is being released by "Rogue Pictures" on January 25, 2013. Check it the cast list on

"Movie 43" Cast List